Modeling of a Security Enhanced Communication Protocol for IoT-based Applications
Internet of Things, Security, MQTT, ProVerif, Mutual AuthenticationAbstract
In the near future, humans will have easy access to gadgets connected to the Internet of Things (IoT). Research on the security issues of the IoT have always been welcome and different protocols used in IoT has pros and cons. In the modern setting, developer significantly use the Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol. However, the MQTT standard does not impose any necessary security criteria, and it appears to be relatively simple to manipulate security vulnerabilities in MQTT platforms. This paper investigates this protocol's security analysis, and proposed a security-enhanced MQTT protocol. The suggested protocol provides security services for IoT systems by utilizing additional cryptographic primitives. Reciprocal verification between subscribers and brokers, between published and broker are the key features of the proposed security enhanced protocol. The security services are utilized by only using symmetric key and key distribution is done along with authentication. A formal verification has also been done using ProVerif to validate the security features of the modified MQTT protocol.
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- 2023-12-31 (1)
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